
How To Dye Black Hair Grey Silver

Modern trends change each other then fast that it is almost impossible to keep up and stay tuned! Simply yesterday we had one pilus colour popular, and today it is completely another.

With such rapid changes, no wonder it is hard to stick to what is the newest.

Notwithstanding, one of the recent changes that are still in apply is dying natural hair grayness! Surprisingly, but what has recently been the worse nightmare of every woman (remember how vigorously everyone tried to color those grey hairs?) today is becoming a popular trend.

No wonder that so many ladies become curious about the same "tin can I dye my pilus grayness without bleaching?" question.

And below everyone tin can discover the complete guide well-nigh how to dye your hair grey without bleach and lots of other handy information.

What Is Bleaching And Why To Avoid It

Everyone who colors their locks or did information technology earlier is informed about such process as bleaching. This process takes identify when our natural color has to be lightened prior to the coloring, and it requires the use of quite strong chemicals to strip the earlocks of their paint.

During the procedure, the tresses get covered with the alkaline agent for opening the cuticles, and afterwards, the oxidative product is applied. Without it, the locks would not be able to get lighter.

This procedure is and so strong that even pitch-black strands will go blonde later only several sessions! Nevertheless, because of the utilize of aggressive chemicals, it has quite a lot of downsides.

I of the major disadvantages is that bleached tresses end up beingness damaged both structurally and chemically. It is not that rare aftermath when people have brittle, dry out, and prone to breakage strands after completing this procedure.

How to Dye Pilus Grey Without Bleach

Naturally, since the appliance of bleaching agents is so harmful, everyone would adopt to keep their tresses as safety as it is merely possible. Respectively, a question occurred of what covers gray without bleach.

Fortunately, it is non something magical or extremely hard to perform. Dying hair grayness without bleach is possible but the level of difficulty of this process will hang upon the country of your tresses and their color.

People with naturally lighter locks will nigh take no problems with turning greyness hands. Even ane session tin can exist plenty to turn from blonde to silver greyish. However, if your strands are way darker (for instance, brown or black), the process of transformation tin take more time and endeavour.

What Is Bleaching And Why To Avoid It
photo by Daria Shevtsova Pexels

Also, the state of the tresses matters a lot. If they are even a bit damaged, any color manipulations are very unwelcomed, even if they are about to be performed with the natural ingredients. The worse that may happen is that y'all will end up with completely destroyed strands that volition need a lot of time, money, and patience to get them healthy and good-looking again.

Then how to turn the tresses into that magical grey shade?

Well, dying pilus grayness without bleach tin can exist performed in several ways:

Dye it

The simplest option for the lucky owners of the lighter manes, for case, nighttime blonde or lite dark-brown. These people will non demand to remove the natural pigment from their locks which means that only applying a grey coloring pigment will most likely be enough.

Nevertheless, such a process has its nuances. Since most grey dyes are either semi-permanent or temporary, they volition fade pretty fast. Information technology means that the shade will have to be re-applied ofttimes enough. By the way, such pigments will not hide the natural color of the tresses completely. As a event, to get the desired greyness shade, several sessions may need to be completed.

How to Dye Hair Grey Without Bleach
photograph by Andrea Piacquadio з Pexels

In terms of this, delight, be careful since even that bleach-free procedure can be harmful and impairment the locks when used oft!


A perfect variant for those who want this color to stay on their heads temporarily instead of becoming an irreplaceable part of daily life! Besides, this is a safer process since the product has no bleaching stuff in information technology.

Today one can find all sorts of grey color for the chevelure on the market and then the but thing that must be washed is to option up the shade attentively.

Also, consider that such a production will stick but to the dry tresses, and it will not concluding long. And of course, protect your clothes when coloring since such sprays are very easy to get stained with.

Citrus juice

Well, lemons in particular. Brand use of this how-to-get-silver-pilus-without-bleach method for the lighter tresses, every bit well, since for the darker strands it may not be strong enough.

The procedure is simple:

  • Prepare a blend of freshly squeezed lemon juice and water, equal parts
  • Pulverize the mixture over the tresses roofing them all way through
  • Continue your mane under the bright dominicus for half an hr, or make utilise of a blow-dryer
  • To cease the process, rinse the tresses and treat them with a conditioner.
Photo by Taisiia Shestopal

This method must exist practical several times, twice a calendar week for sure, to have a visible effect. Afterwards, information technology is OK to dye the locks grey.

However, despite the approach uses natural ingredients, practice non become for it as well oft! Citrus juice can easily damage the cuticles making the pilus prone to breakage and causing the carve up-ends.

Homemade hair masks

For a gentler approach, why not do good from practice-it-yourself all-natural hair masks?

Just like the lemon juice, they volition prepare the tresses for coloring and make the natural pigment lighter.

  • A alloy of equal parts of apple tree cider acetum and h2o pulverized over the tresses volition brand them lighter. Use it a few more times over the next several weeks until the desired result is achieved. And think that this mixture must sit on the locks for a few minutes only earlier you rinse it!
  • A honey mask volition also piece of work. Combine the sweet foodstuff with some cayenne pepper and cinnamon, and cover the previously oiled locks with it. For oiling, we would recommend using olive oil.

Proceed the mask applied until the desired shade is visible, and and then wash the tresses with h2o. To moisturize the locks, treat them with the conditioner meant for the colored mane.

  • Blistering soda and peroxide will become handy if you're wondering how to dye pilus silver without bleach. This variant is usually not advised for those who discolor their manes for the first time, but if none of the previously described methods worked, this might be the last possible choice.
DIY Hair Masks You Need to Try DIY Pilus Masks Y'all Need to Try

Take ane cup of soda and mix in three big spoonfuls of peroxide. Once it turns into a paste, cover the tresses with information technology for 1 hr a maximum. Equally a result, the locks must become one or two shades lighter than the initial native tone.

We would recommend conditioning the locks later on since peroxide is a very drying thing indeed.

Please, remember that these procedures may not piece of work on black and nighttime-brown tresses since they contain no chemicals and bleaching agents. Yet, these options are way safer and more caring for the locks and then if your goal is to get the event with the minimal damage, that's your choice!

How to Dye Black Hair Grey

If your locks are naturally pitch-blackness only you lot'd like to plough them into the ashy tresses, dying black hair grey might exist the option. However, since this is not and so piece of cake to perform, a question occurs of how to transform blackness hair to grey.

Since grayness hair dye won't work on black hair, bleaching will exist the just option.

How to Dye Black Hair Grey
Photograph by Keenan Constance

For doing that yourself:

  • Buy the discoloring product, a aureate-red corrector and a toner (to avert sudden brassiness), and a 10 or a 20 volume developer.
  • ten is expert for the fine and fragile locks whereas 20 volition work better on coarse and dark tresses.
  • Previously moisture the strands with the coconut oil to protect them from chemical exposure, and prepare the discoloring ointment. After a strand test, apply information technology over the tresses and go on for a maximum of fifty minutes. When the desired shade is reached, rinse and shampoo the mane remembering about the conditioner as the finishing selection.
  • Later discoloring, treat the clammy chevelure with the toner+developer blend and check it every ten minutes. One time the desired color appears, rinse and shampoo the mane.
  • Finally, apply the dye co-ordinate to the instruction on the box.

The very same process can be used for dying African American hair grey if the tresses are black or very dark.

Remember: black to greyness pilus transformation can't be performed without the previous discoloration!

Merely if they are not and you'd rather like to dye such pilus grey without bleach, experience complimentary to blend a greyness dye with enough conditioner until the desired shade is received, and apply that mixture over the locks according to the ordinary pedagogy.

What Happens If You Bleach Grey Hair

Sometimes we get bored with the new style pretty fast, and what if it happens after nosotros color the tresses greyness? What will bleaching do to gray hair?

Well, as everyone probably already guessed, adding more discoloring agents to the already discolored locks will simply turn them…white!

No matter how we bleach grey pilus, naturally or chemically, their initial pigment is removed. When we re-apply the discoloring substance, the residue of the color will disappear living usa, well, with the locks a-la Daenerys Targaryen.

All-time Grey-Coloring Products

Trying Trendy Hair Coloring Wax | Silver Hair Color Wax 2018 Trying Trendy Hair Coloring Wax | Silver Hair Colour Wax 2018

People ofttimes get stumbled upon the same trouble: what dye to colour the mane into grayness with?

Well, if the decision was made to do it yourself, and ordinary dye is not an option for some reason, think of one of the post-obit substitutes:

Arsty Color Wax

This wax with the temporary issue has no bleaching agents and contains only natural ingredients. Information technology is easily practical and rinsed off which makes it a perfect choice for trying yourself grey.

Keracolor conditioner

This colorwash is two-in-1 stuff: a colour and a conditioner. As well, bleach-free and natural, it has a temporary issue just it's very gentle with the locks.

Admire semi-permanent colour

No bleach, peroxide, and ammonia, and the perfect argent shade as a result instead. However, information technology volition piece of work on the lite to dark blondes only.

How to Intendance For Ashy Tresses

How to Care For Ashy Tresses
Photograph by Tamara Bellis

Those foggy-shaded locks look magical and awesome, but they also crave a lot of attending and care, no affair whether the procedure of transformation was done including the discoloration or without that part.

  • Go for the special colour-safe shampoo. Other kinds volition make the tresses fade faster and this is inappreciably what you would like to feel afterward spending so much time and attempt on becoming greyness.
  • Deep-condition the mane regularly since the colored locks are very fragile and vulnerable. Conditioning volition attend and moisturize them, and this is what your strands are looking for now and then much!
  • Go on them away from the hot styling tools. Colored locks are decumbent to breaking and drying way more than the normal uncolored tresses. If we brand them go through the hot styling procedures, it tin can destroy our mane completely.

Following these simple hints will let y'all enjoy the newly-colored chevelure and keep it healthy and good-looking longer.

We told you nigh how to plow hair grey without discoloring information technology and even how to brand your hair grey without dye. Now that yous know how to dye your hair grey safely, nosotros hope there will be no problems with maintaining the freshly-dyed locks or undergoing the coloring process correctly.

However, if y'all are in doubt whether y'all will manage to consummate the task successfully, it is ever better to go to the professional person and go your mane colored.

Oft Asked Questions

⭐ How long does it accept to dye your pilus GREY?

For the lighter hair, the procedure will accept approximately 45-l min. Merely for the nighttime locks, information technology will have to exist done several times. When using DIY means, it may take weeks.

⭐ What is the best silverish pilus dye?

Adore Artistic and Pravana ChromaSilk are among the best-working dyes for turning silver.

⭐ How can I go Gray without looking old?

Attempt to add highlight and lowlight, they volition make the color more bright instead of existence dull.

⭐ How can I darken my hair without dying it?

For darkening, natural remedies tin work, e.grand. coffee, blackness tea, cocoa, or henna.

How To Dye Black Hair Grey Silver,


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